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Red Right Hand Original Painting

Red Right Hand Original Painting

This original still life oil painting by Robin Springett is inspired by the iconic BBC TV series: Peaky Blinders. The evocative composition features many props which have been extensively researched to ensure accuracy to those seen on screen. Whilst some items like glassware are aquired from antique shops, other items are hand crafted by the artist specifically for this unique composition. 


The 3D model of Tommy's Webley service revolver was created from scratch  and then printed on a 3d printer. With a lot of sanding and a little paint the gun was ready for the still life. 


The gin labels were recreated based on screen shots then affixed to a screen accurate glass bottle. The packet of cigarettes was recreated from scans of a genuine vintage item. 


Prints also available to order in the store. 


Painted in oils on canvas board. 

Picture size: 447 x 290mm (approximately 17.5 x 11.5") 


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.  

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